
Pythia AI Rewards

Pythia AI is more than just a cryptocurrency. It is a community-driven platform where every token holder can contribute to the direction of AI research.

Discover Research Gaps: Anyone who identify the research gaps in AI field with respect to various industries and put an article under Pythia AI reserach lab are rewarded with coins on successful verification of the article.

Courses and Competition: Pythia AI community will create courses to educate people on development of AI. Competitions will be held to get to top talent among the AI enthusiasts and grow Pythia AI community.

Research Implementation: Any user or community member who addresses the research gap by providing AI research implementation gets rewarded with coins.

Hiring using coins: Industries can look into the research gaps and their reference solution for their business cases. They can hire Pythia AI community AI developers, data analysts, or data scientists by using Pythia AI coins which will help them in saving transaction fees such as GST and tax.

How To Buy

Create a wallet

Get your free wallet app from either the App Store or Google Play Store, like MetaMask or any other wallet of your preference. If you're using a desktop, simply visit and download the Google Chrome extension.

Get Some ETH

To acquire $PYTHIA token, ensure you have ETH in your wallet for seamless conversion. If you don't have ETH, you have various options: purchase directly on Metamask, transfer from another wallet, or acquire on a different exchange and send it to your wallet.

Go to Uniswap

Access Uniswap through your preferred browser, either by visiting in Google Chrome or using the built-in browser within your Metamask app. Connect your wallet, enter the $PYTHIA token address on Uniswap, choose Pythia AI as your selection, and confirm the transaction. When prompted by Metamask, provide the required wallet signature to finalize the process.

Switch ETH for $PYTHIA

Trade ETH for $PYTHIA AI token hassle-free. Enjoy tax-free transactions, eliminating concerns about specific slippage. However, during periods of market volatility, adjusting slippage might be necessary for seamless trading.


Contract Address: 0x1E9f0270A05C86B9223dEd783741ACAa1c901F74

Total Token Supply:


  • 80% tokens on supply and 20% distributed between founder, shareholders, developers and technical team.
  • Pythia AI holders shape the project's future through decentralized governance, fostering inclusivity and collective decision-making.
  • Pythia AI seeks partnerships and integrations, expanding utility beyond the token itself for real-world use cases and increased demand.


Charting our path to success and delivering exciting milestones for our community's journey.

Phase 1 (July 2024)

  • On board early investors and secure funds for comprehensive development and initial marketing phases.
  • Utilize platforms like Twitter and Telegram to build hype and engage with the community.
  • Set up liquidity pools on decentralized exchanges to facilitate trading.
  • Work towards getting the coin listed on major cryptocurrency exchanges to enhance liquidity and validity.

Phase 2 (Sept 2024)

  • Launch Pythai Learning Management system to educate users with AI case studies and artifacts.
  • Create free AI related courses and videos which can be used to educate people and promote the coin.
  • Start Quarterly AI competitions which can help in identifying talent over the internet and add them to the Pythia AI community.
  • Engage in cross-promotional activities with other cryptocurrencies or brands.

Phase 3 (December 2024)

  • Launch Pythia AI Research Lab for the community to discuss about AI developments.
  • Get access to more research articles on Pythia AI Research labs.
  • Partner with AI research institutions and tech companies to get AI projects based on the work done on the Research Lab.
  • Aim for 50+ research articles on Pythia AI Research labs.
  • Collaborate with influencers and other crypto projects to increase visibility.